Secured loan policies take assets in return for giving loans to their clients. But with the Unsecured Business Loan service, you can take loans from FundFinCap to start or invest in your business, mainly small-scale businesses, without any need to keep assets for security. Quick approval of the loan and timely assistance by our company will help you to lead your business towards success.

Documents and Information Required

Unsecured Business Loan don’t require any security asset, but it calls for legal documents that must be verified properly. These documents are-

  • Age Proof- Minimum age should be 18 years old.
  • Business Registration Details
  • The credit score should be at least “x.”
  • Bank statement for the last “x” months.
  • Nationality
  • KYC update
  • “X” (other documents)

What Type Is The Best Suitable For Your Business?

Unsecured Business Loans are the best suitable for people who don’t want to stop using their financial assets. But taking too much or too less of such loans may not fulfill your purpose but rather add interest to it. Here is a guide before choosing one of our Unsecured Business Loans.

Working Capital Loans-

Such loan is the best for short-term use. Small and medium-scale businesses and self-employed workers can take Working Capital Loans for their daily cash flow activities. It is sanctioned quickly but does make sure to provide the right trustworthy proof

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Don’t want to pay interest for the loan amount you haven’t used yet? Then an Overdraft loan is the best for you. You can take a certain assigned limit loan from the financial institution and use it in pre-informed parts. Interest is applied only on the amount which the client has availed.

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Term Loan-

The loan in this type has to be paid back by a specific time limit which is pre-decided during the time of sanctioning. It can also be returned as EMIs.

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How To Apply For Unsecured Business Loans

To apply for this loan, you must fill out the registration form first. After that, you will receive a call or mail at your submitted e-mail I'd. After that, you will have to prepare and check your required documents.

This process might take a minimum of 72 hours. After adequately checking the details, the financial company will sanction the required amount.

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